Attribute 'DebuggerBrowsable' is not valid on this declaration type.

Hi, im getting this error:
Attribute ‘DebuggerBrowsable’ is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on ‘property, indexer, field’ declarations.

Im using Unity 2018.4.36f1.

Is there a way to fix it?


As the error states this Attribute is not valid for:

  • properies
  • indexers
  • field

Now you declare an

public event Action.... 

in that line.

An event apparently is neither of the above mentioned (property, indexer, field). So this will never Work.
Is it important for you that it is marked as event. Because you can use that Action as a callback without marking it as an event.
Then it should be a field and thus be valid with this Attribute.
So simply just leave it at:

 public Action YourAction;