Attribute settings different between build and in editor

I searched around and didn’t find any related topics so forgive me if it is a covered topic.

Here is my situation… I have certain public properties of game objects that I tend to change the values of while I am debugging, but when I build my game for sharing with other people I would like those settings reverted. Now I realize that during each press of the “Run” arrow I can change the settings, but that would be really time consuming since I often will play for a few seconds to test something and then go back to editor mode to do more work.

For instance lets say I have a MonoBehavior called SplashScreenController which has a property Skip.
When I am developing I would like it to be true so I don’t have to watch the intro every time, but when I generate a build I would like it set to false so that the intro doesn’t get skipped.

Right now I am doing things like this manually and I often forget to revert my debugging settings and wind up generating a build that has testing features turned on… also they are spread across many different Mono Behaviors so that is problematic.

Does anyone have any tools (editor extensions) that they know of, or best practices that I can leverage to accomplish the laziness of having debug configuraiton vs. build configuration?

I am thinking of centralizing these settings into one singleton that the others reference rather than having their own properties, but from a separation of concerns/encapsulation point of view that lives something to be desired.

You can use the Platform Dependent Compilation functionality to differentiate between editor and development build and final build in your code and only have the debug instructions in your development build (like activating the skip intro flag vie code).