Audio auto disabled after any system sound on android

HI, I am using Unity5.35, when I run on android, audio auto disabled after any system sound( like

ring, messege sound, or notification sound…) the game became silence.

Anyone has this problem?

Yes, I have the same problem. It started in 5.3.4p6 (all versions previous to that did not have the problem) and I submitted a bug report yesterday (case 799305).

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I’m seeing a similar problem. I’m working on an Android app with a UnityPlayer component in it that is playing background sounds and some occasional TTS among other things. The sounds disappear after a few interactions with Google’s SpeechRecognizer to record some voice commands. The android part of the app can still play audio, but the unity part is silenced. I’ve seen it with 5.3.4.f1 which I started with through the latest 5.3.5p1.

I can confirm this happens in Unity 5.3.5f1.

On any system sound, such as a text message, all Unity audio (music, sound, streaming, pre-load, vorbis, PCM, etc) cuts out and does not come back unless the application is restarted.

Device used: Nexus 6 (2014).

According to the bug tracker it’s fixed in Unity 5.3.6… so now we play the waiting game :slight_smile:

I thought 5.3 was supposed to be stable? Ridiculous that a bug this simple can slip through.

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I just had this on 5.3.5p2 so unfortunately it’s not fixed. Bummer since we can’t release our game until it’s fixed.

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help me ,any quick fix suggestion ?

Just tested 5.3.5p3 and it’s not fixed. This is pretty unacceptable to have a bug this bad where you can’t ship your product on Android for close to a month. This should have been critical priority.



Patch 5.3.3p3
Fixes: (774356) - Audio: Disabled sound manager watch dog.

Patch 5.3.3p2
Fixes: Android: Audio - Don’t select OpenSL output if the native device params are too bad for fast path (fixes audio issues on buggy devices).

I am using 5.3.4p6 now.

Actually plan to release Android app in Google Play, however this sound issue is not really critical to my app.
Looks like I should roll-back to old version of unity and which means total disaster to my team and QA staffs. (and takes a long time to do that.)

If I use seperate Unity versions per each platform (iOS / Android), well… it can be the way to do for my app.
However, I really want to use one same version of Unity for each platform.

According to vovkas,

this webpage shows that [Status: Fixed in Unity 5.3.6] as you can see.

So, is there anyone who knows when Unity 5.3.6 version is released?

In the roadmap (Platform roadmaps | Unity), I can see [Unity 5.4 - Stabilization in progress. Target : June 2016.]

I am so desperate to know when Unity 5.3.6 version is released.
Anyone knows? or Where I can figure out?

We are also having similar issue in 5.3.5p1, in our case its not playing from the launch of the game irrespective of any system notification sound appears,

However if launch the game Andoid os 6, its plays audio, but not in lower versions

This is not fixed in 5.3.5p4 despite the release note saying it’s fixed. Happens on the most basic audio example I could put together. Hope it won’t take another month and a half to solve.

Case #806341

This is fixed in 5.3.5p7, we are using this version and haven’t encountered it.

5.4.0 b23 NOT fixed

Solved with 5.3.5P7

I installed 5.3.8p8 and it’s fixed for me