Audio clip change via script,changing audio clip in audio source via script

Hello, So I have this AI script that has different states in it. i have an audio source located on my character an i wold like the audio clip to change in every state. whats the approach to go about that? also, I have very limited scripting knowledge.
thanks in advance love you all

What’s important is what audio you want to play. You can use a general AudioSource to start playing a sound that is mixed with other sounds. Add more audio sources for sounds that are continuous and require start/stop playback.

public AudioClip clipFire; //set in inspector to a clip
AudioSource generalAS;
AudioSource engineAS;
void Start()
    generalAS = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
    //or this for multiple audio sources:
    foreach (AudioSource aSource in GetComponents<AudioSource>())
    { //we have 2 audiosources
        if (aSource.clip!=null &&"engine"))
            engineAS = aSource;
            generalAS = aSource;
void Update()
    if(bulletFire) generalAS.PlayOneShot(clipFire);
    if(startEngine) engineAS.Play();
    if(stopEngine) engineAS.Stop();