I have high resolution master .wav files. I would like to convert them (using and external tool) to adpcm encoded .wav files. Then I’d like to import them into the unity project with the clip setting “Audio format = native (wav)”
I created a test file 16 bit 22,050 IMA ADPCM .wav
audioClip settings
Audio Format = Native,
3D = no,
force to mono = no,
Load type = into memory,
Hardware Decoding = no,
Gapless looping = no,
Compression = unused,
Confirmed playback in the Unity
“game” window.
Confirmed playback in
the webplayer build on both Mac / PC
Confirmed playback in the standalone
build for Mac
Confirmed playback in
the standalone build for PC
iOS not tested (yet)
an important detail : looping doesn’t work well I hear a clear short clicking interruption in the test file. I don’t hear the click on sounds that don’t loop.
When building for IOS, it does not matter what your type of file your sound is as long as Unity can play it. b/c IOS will convert that sound into its own format. So if you have an MP3 or a Wav it will still convert it to its own.