audio engine ,,,how ?

I devoloping a racing game, but I have a problem with the engine auodio … I tried to use the pitch but it is really horrible … if you do not use but the acceleration does not feel and sound is always the same, as if the car was stopped.
some ideas on how I can make the sound?

Hey, I’m developing another race game too :slight_smile: Currently I use pitched sounds, but for that you need very good sound sources that allow pitching from idle up to high engine RPM. I’ve found only very few sounds working for that (from Another fine method is to use blended sounds, so have one sound object for the idleing engine, one for the lower rpm’s, one for mid rpm’s and so one and blend them in and out accordingly. Haven’t written that myself, but that is probably a good way to do so.

If any of us develops such a blend audio thing, we should share it! :slight_smile:

martin I saw the video of your game, well done, but that sound I look for toy car, I want to give a realistic sound …

I’m trying different solutions, if i find a better solution i share it … in between time if anyone has any idea …

FMOD has several good car engine presets - if you’re doing executables, I think you can probably use them directly through FMOD (don’t know Unity well yet), otherwise you can look in their editor how they’re set up. (It’s probably overly complicated to implement all the programmability in their system, but will give some good ideas.)