Audio issues with large number of audio sources

Hello! Tell me please how to solve this kind of problem. When I place a lot of sounds on scene, I hear only cracking in my speakers. The sounds are played back by the PlayOneShot (). Thank you!

You are likely playing the sound over and over in your update loop - so it’s trying to play 60 times a second, and instead sounds like crackling.

Use AudioSource.IsPlaying to check that the sound is not playing, so that it only plays once.

Hey.Working with audio is hard work. I did it with these functions -
public class gameSound : MonoBehaviour {
public AudioClip audioClip = null;
AudioSource audioClipSource = null;
void Start(){
audioClipSource = gameObject.AddComponent();
audioClipSource.clip = audioClip;
audioClipSource.loop = true;
audioClipSource.volume = 0.1f;
audioClipSource.priority = 255;
if(soundManager.Instance.isVolumeOn()) audioClipSource.Play();
void FixedUpdate(){
if (!soundManager.Instance.isVolumeOn()){
else if (!audioClipSource.isPlaying) audioClipSource.Play();