Audio / itunes

hey there,
i am wondering if the untiy iphone software can connect / interact with the music playing in itunes?

Thanks lots,

By default, the music is disabled. This means that when Unity iPhone starts up on the device, it pauses the music (if it is playing) to save ram and cpu for a smoother game. The user can easily just double tap the home button and resume the song though.

And as for “interaction”, what did you have in mind? If you’re looking for a list of the songs or something, your application isn’t allowed to access any other part of the device other than your application folder and other specified public plugins like the photos, address book, etc.

So, the bottom line is you won’t be able to do anything with the music playing on their device other than stop it.

hey there,
thanks for the fast reply.
I think my idea will work if i can just keep itunes from pausing. when unity starts. Can you think of a way to go about this?

You’d have to do this through X-Code…and when it comes to Objective-C, I’m clueless. Maybe a moderator could come along and help out?

…but just for the record, I’d assume you’d see a fairly large performance hit if you kept the music playing…

bliprob’s unity iphone enhancement pack keeps the music playing…

You wouldn’t, because it uses the mp3/aac hardware to decode music files, not the CPU.


Really? When I’m playing a unity game and I double tap the home button, I’m taken to the iPod but I can not return to the game with the music playing?

  • or am I doing something wrong there?

double home leads to the ipod player while on itouch
on the iphone thought it kicks you to the phone favs unless you altered it

I altered it on my iPhone (Settings>General>HomeButton> iPod) - so double home tap does open iPod - but the game exits - I was hoping for overlaid mini controls with un-pause/play option…

thats possible as the itouch offers you the very same overlay there as with the unlock screen. But its possible that the ipod player will not do so