Audio not playing

Okay, I’m working on a door using a script borrowed from an example by someone else. When inside the box collider and pressing “e”, the sound effect (in theory) plays, then the door opening animation plays. BUT: when I press “e”, the door opens like it should, but no audio plays. Can you guys figure out what I might be doing wrong? I’ve used this exact method before and it worked great, but it’s not working now. (NOTE: I’ve got my audio-source volume up as well. It’s a 2d sound.)

Here’s the entire door code:

var timeOpen : float ;
var doorOpenSound : AudioClip;
var doorCloseSound : AudioClip;
private var doorIsOpen : boolean ;
private var doorTimer : float = 0.0 ;
private var isBlocked : boolean = false ;

function Update () {
	if(doorIsOpen && isBlocked == false) {
		doorTimer += Time.deltaTime ;
		if (doorTimer > timeOpen && isBlocked == false) {
			ShutDoor () ;
			doorTimer = 0.0 ;
			if (doorTimer > timeOpen && isBlocked == true) {
			doorTimer = 0.0 ;

function OnTriggerEnter(other : Collider){
	if(other.gameObject.tag == "Player" && doorIsOpen == false && Input.GetKeyDown("e")){
	isBlocked = true ;
	OpenDoor () ;

function OnTriggerStay (other : Collider){
	if (doorIsOpen == false && Input.GetKeyDown("e")){
		isBlocked = true ;
		OpenDoor () ;
		if (doorIsOpen == true) {
			isBlocked = true ;

function OnTriggerExit (other : Collider){
	if(isBlocked == true) {
		isBlocked = false ;
		doorTimer = 0.0 ;

function OpenDoor () {
	audio.clip = doorOpenSound;
	doorIsOpen = true ;
	animation.PlayQueued ("dooropen") ;

function ShutDoor () {
	audio.clip = doorCloseSound;
	doorIsOpen = false ;
	animation.PlayQueued  ("doorclose") ;
	animation.PlayQueued  ("dooridle") ;

@script RequireComponent(AudioSource)
@script RequireComponent(BoxCollider)

Hi, try to use

AudioClip.PlayClipAtPoint( doorOpenSound, this.transform.position); // or this.transform.position first, then doorOpenSound, i never can remember that (facepalm).

Hope that helps
