Audio Now Toggles Off & Greys Out When Enter Play Mode, Regardless of Project/Scene/Unity Version?

its not working, i tried clicking the mute/unmute in the game tab, did nothing as it was already not turned on, the audio was already set to unmuted yet the in scene audio toggle turns grey after i hit play anyways


2020.3.38f1 Audio toggle in Scene turns off and becomes greyed out on Play. The audio toggle in Play works (I can click/ toggle it on and off) but there is still no sound

Iā€™ve been working in the Simulator view the grand majority of the time, and it does not have the mute/unmute button.

After switching back to the Game view, I found that it was set to muted. Thanks for the tip.

Dudeā€¦ I was on the cliffā€¦ thanks for saving my life

This was driving me mad too till i saw the Mute/Toggle button in scene view and got to this page. Didnā€™t spot the Game view icon one either!

For anyone still tryna solve the issue, go into your sound settings on windows, then check if audio output for unity is set to default. If it is, try switching it to another output. I chose headphones realtek and it works fine. Also make sure the audio is toggled on in the game view

Mine was out of view because my game view is in a diferent window but now this helped me

my audio immediately turns off when I hit play.


Theres an audio toggle in the game windows and the scene window AND makeshure you have an audio listener on objects you want to listen for audio with

Unity 2022.3.16f1 Mac
audio toggle still grays out on play in Editor window. Audio toggle in Game view turned on

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you just saved another live in 2024 :slight_smile: thanks

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unity 2023.1.17f1
I have unmuted both the game view and in the editor.
The editor mute toggles to off and is greyed out the moment I hit play, before the game even starts playing.
Once I stop the game, I can unmute it again, but it just mutes itself when I try again.

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2022.3.7 - suddenly sound stopped working. Both Scene/Game tabs not muted. hit Play - scene tab automagically switches to disabled. and sound has stopped being played although the script is called and you can see on the mixer it is playing.

Someone must have a good fix?

Wheres the button?

they are but it wont work

you are beautiful and strong!

Thank you!! :+1: