Audio play when enter trigger

I’ve never script anything with audio and trigger before so please help to make this script.
I want to make a story-teller system, like:

-audio play when player enter trigger ( after enter trigger, the audio must be stil playing even the player is stil inside trigger or not)

-the trigger automaticcally disable (or u can say destroy itself) after the audio finished.

Special thanks to anyone who can help me with this one.

P/s: Sorry for my bad english

attach this script to the triggers that player will enter & attach audio source & audio clip & make there collider component is Trigger in the inspector :

	AudioSource audio1;
	void Start(){
		audio1 = GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
	void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other){
		if (other.tag == "Player") {
			StartCoroutine (PlayDestroy());
IEnumerator PlayDestroy(){
audio1.Play ();
yield return new WaitWhile (() => audio1.isPlaying);
Destroy (gameObject)