Hi all,
I would be very grateful with your help! I’m playing an audio clip in the following context: A piece of armor is shot off from a space ship (rigidbody kinematic to dynamic) and flies off with a “zing”. The problem is that the “zing” plays out “ziiiiiiiiing”; way too slow, as does any other audio clip that I plop in. All audio clips are fine. All other audio that I trigger in my game plays fine. Does this have to do with script execution order? Here is the relevant code excerpt:
void Update()
if (armorHealth <= 0)
IEnumerator LoseArmor()
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(armorLossSFX, Camera.main.transform.position, armorLossSXFVolume);
body.bodyType = RigidbodyType2D.Dynamic;
body.mass = 4;
body.gravityScale = 0;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(armorFlyTime);
Destroy(gameObject); // change rigidbody from kinetic to dynamic