Audio Reverb Filter requires manually enabling by script to work

Weird issue…I have to leave it disabled in the Inspector, then enable it after a short delay (a fraction of a second is enough) using a script with an Invoke in Start(). Otherwise it’s disabled even if the box is checked in the Inspector upon start. Same with built EXE. Is this a known issue, and does it happen with other components? Windows 10, 2109.4.4f1.

Hm, that sure smells like a legit bug in Unity… can you make a fresh project and replicate this problem trivially?

If so send it in as a bug report. I’m sure Unity would love to fix such a thing!

OK, I should have tested that first before posting. A fresh project doesn’t show the issue…maybe with larger projects and many audio parts, it takes a moment to be ready to enable, and somehow “forgets” that it’s enabled already? Anyway, I suppose it’s half a bug…or something :wink: will mark as Resolved, even though there’s still something going on. An easy workaround though.