Audio Reverb Zone makes even 0 volume clips audible

I have a ZERO VOLUME audiosource and it’s being affected by a reverb zone.
I hear extraneous sounds all over my project after upgrading to Unity 6.

So I spent so long debugging it.
You’re welcome Unity. I hate this.

Using Audio Reverb Zone causes audio system to malfunction and play extraneous reverb sounds, even for sounds that aren’t audible.

Check out this bug. (250.7 KB)

There are 2 disabled audio source gameobjects in the scene.

“2-Foostep” - set to Volume 0.

Ensure your Sound is on

  1. Play the scene
  2. Activate gameobject “1-Pop” and you will hear a sound.
  3. Activate “2-Footstep” and you will hear a deep reverb sound.
  4. Observe bug. Footstep is set to 0 volume. It should not contribute to reverb.

Perhaps associated with this previous bug:

I’ve filed a Bug report already.
CASE IN-92847

I’m also on the latest Unity 6000.33 LTS.

Oh and there’s no workaround at all, unless you just don’t want reverb. Or downgrade to a (slightly more stable) version of Unity.

would it possible to set-up reverb zones via a third party implementation software such as FMOD? i’ve done it myself but i don’t know if that’s what your looking for

Thanks for the suggestion, but that has nothing to do with this.
This is a new bug with Unity’s built in audio system.

Third party implementation software has nothing to do with the built in audio system.

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Thanks for the report @sameng at first glance it does seem like a regression from the previous bug fix you linked. I’ll try and fast track this one along to us in the audio team so we can look at it asap.

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Thanks for the excellent description and the easy reproduction. We’ve identified the change that caused this issue - it wasn’t the linked bug but rather an internal change.

It should be fixed soon enough, sorry for the grief it caused you; automated measures will catch this going forward.

Best regards, Janus

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Fix has been made, meanwhile workaround is either not using ADPCM clips or changing the load type to not be “compressed in memory”.


Cheers, thank you for taking a look at this and the prompt reply and fix.
I appreciate it, looking forward to getting the update.