Audio sliders only applying saved audio when they're shown on screen

I currently have audio sliders in my main menu that adjust the levels of specific channels in my audio mixer. My problem is when starting the game the audio always resets to max volume, but once I go to the audio section in my options screen the audio adjusts to its saved values in Player Refs.

I need serious help I’ve been trying to fix this for two whole days now and I’m going insane. How do I make it so when the game starts it sets the audio levels from Player Refs and not when the sliders are shown?

using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Audio;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
using JetBrains.Annotations;

public class AudioController : MonoBehaviour
    public string VolumeType = "Volume";
    public AudioMixer Mixer;
    public Slider Slider;
    public TextMeshProUGUI VolumeText;
    public float Multiplier = 30f;
    [Range(0,1)] public float DefaultSliderPercentage = 0.75f;

    private void Awake()
            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(VolumeType, DefaultSliderPercentage);
        float savedSliderValue = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat(VolumeType);

        if (Slider != null)
            Slider.value = savedSliderValue;

        public void SliderValueChanged(float sliderValue)

            PlayerPrefs.SetFloat(VolumeType, sliderValue);

        private void ApplyVolume(float sliderValue)
        Mixer.SetFloat(VolumeType, SliderToDecibel(sliderValue));
            VolumeText.text = Mathf.Round(sliderValue * 100) + "%";

        private float SliderToDecibel(float value)
            return Mathf.Clamp(Mathf.Log10(value/DefaultSliderPercentage) * Multiplier, -80f, 20f);

I have this script attached to each volume slider.