I am having a serious issue with audio sources. For some reason, my rain audio source will not play on awake even though I have set it up to do so. I have tried setting it up as both a 2d and 3d sound source, but neither work. I have experimented with priority and set the rain to top priority, but that didn’t work. If I disable the gameobject containing the audio source then re-enable it at run time, it plays as normal. We have not been using scripts to control our audio, just the built in settings in FMOD. Has anybody had any similar issues? Any ideas on why this may be happening? I would greatly appreciate any help!
i have the same problem, when i test the game in the unity editor it works good, but when i build the game it doesn’t work. That sound is attached to a video file that i am using as a texture, but it doesn’t work with any other sounds. i tried to build the game to unity web player but the same happens. i am using a script to modify the audio pitch and the mute bool. i think that can be the unity version.
If you select the sound in the project pane, and click the play button in the preview option, does Unity actually play the sound?
If not either somehow the asset has become corrupt and you will need to re-import it.
Did you create the AudioSource in code and then set audiosource.PlayOnAwake = true?
Or did you create the AudioSource in the editor and turn on the Play On Awake checkbox?
I ask because I had an issue doing it in code, where setting PlayOnAwake to true in the Awake() function didn’t work. I had to actually call the Play() function on the audio source in the Awake() function.
Hi I’m having kind of the same problem, mine sounds on play on awake but the volume rolloff just dont work, some times it atenuates the volume but never goes to cero, and some times it just dosent do nothing…I’ts driving me MAD please someone?
It is not problem of audio but problem with audio driver. On start I have this message:
FMOD failed to initialize … A call to a standard soundcard driver failed, which could possibly mean a bug in the driver or resources were missing or exhausted.
result == FMOD_OK
An invalid object handle was used.
I believe it is problem of win8 or my notebook HP Probook or both.
I ran into this issue while trying to have background music playing in my title screen. I fixed this issue by removing the Audio Listener from the camera, and attaching an Audio Listener to the Game Object that actually held my Audio Clip. Hope this helps someone.