Before I go any further, I must admit that I have very limited experience in audio and even less experience in open world audio.
Basically, my current project has the player walking around in an open environment in First person view. Now, I noticed that the standard audiosource/audioclip combination can depict left/right direction very well but have hard time representing front/back direction.
I have tried resonance by installing it in the package manager, but it seems to make very little to no difference.
What is the standard approach to this audio issue? Any advise is appreciated and welcomed as I am a total noob when it comes to audio spatialization. Thanks!
For me resonance makes a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE difference.
So check that you’re using i right. It requires tons of setup like resonance components on source and listener, the right spacialization toggle here and there and perhaps in recent package there is an option to chose the transfer function, maybe you head doesn’t fall into the average head sample.
UT package is deprecated ( I don’t know reason for this would like to find out some day, maybe)
but unity package from google’s resonance github should be working without problems - have you tried it ?
and refer to primarily, not unity documentation
main resonance repo : : was updated 9 days ago today so no, resonance is hardly abandoned by google
unity package was not updated for a long time - does that mean that it’s abandoned if it works ?
do you have any practical issues with it ?
My issue is if it will still work in 1-2 years on iOS and Android and whatever Unity version we’ll be using then.
I understand that even if it was fully supported right now, there still wouldn’t be any guarantees, but it being semi abandoned doesn’t fill me with confidence either.
For example, here : they mention not being able to build for Android 64bit, which we need to do, and they solved it by installing the deprecated resonance unity package, which will be removed from Unity’s repository soon, which makes me feel like jumping on board with resonance audio right now might be a bad idea?
I personally would be using it without any doubts on standalones right now, but from the looks of it it seems that Google doesn’t spend too much effort on their proper Unity support any more - so resonance Unity package supporting desktops (and iOS) only /consoles were out of luck from the get go/ is limiting, no doubt -
for those cases probably something like FMOD Studio might make more sense since they’re using it directly
Are you saying if I use FMOD Studio and use Resonance Audio for FMOD, then it will probably work better (and possibly also for consoles etc / wherever FMOD works normally?)
android will definitely work better, you’d have to ask them about consoles - though I suspect that might require supporting them by resonance in the first place
@AcidArrow So, is Resonance Audio supported by FMOD for Unity on any platform then? Did you get any additional info?
I’m searching for a spatializer that will work cross-platform and was using Resonance Audio up until now, but I’m worried about compatibility in the future.
Did you find anything about the subject?
(DearVR doesn’t seem to be compatible with consoles any time soon)
They are also very responsive on the forums and they seem to care about their product, so if you want to ask a more specific question, I invite you to join their forums and ask it.
In our case, we ended up not using the resonance plugin (yet? I did find it a bit cumbersome to use), but we did transfer all our audio things to FMOD Studio, which I highly recommend.
Unity’s Audio is a badly implemented thin wrapper of an old FMOD version. If you’re doing anything slightly more complex than just straight playing audio, then FMOD Studio is a much nicer environment to work with, performance seems better too, a ton more features etc etc. The only thing missing is that Doppler is kinda weirdly implemented in the Unity integration (it requires a rigidbody), but I wrote a script to handle it (plus in Unity everything having doppler all the time by default, is kinda annoying frankly), it’s fine.