audio.Stop not a valid command

I am following a tutorial on coding in Unity and I am up to trigger events with audio. The tutorial told me to put “audio.Stop” in a line but unity says that unity does not have a definition for Stop and that “audio” is obsolete. If I replace audio with “AudioClip” it gets rid of one error but it keeps the stop error. Can someone please help me with this? Here is the link to my code using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class TriggerEvent : Mon -
thanks :slight_smile:

Edit- I’m not sure what I did but I got rid of all the errors but now a new error popped saying "
Internal error: Recursion detected while updating scripts (assembly index: 4)" here is the link to my new code using UnityEngine;using System.Collections;public class TriggerEvent : Mon -

You can call the Stop function for the AudioSource. Create an AudioSource and assign your AudioClip on Inspector.