Audio tips for mobile

Hello all,
I searched the forums and google but I couldn’t find a clear answer.

How does Unity handles the memory usage by sounds in my game?
I’m wondering if I have lots (> 50) different audio clips loaded in my scene,
Is Unity going to reserve the memory for all the audio clips?
I have the impression that mono clips are better than stereo clips and that wav is preferable to mp3 for short (< 1min) clips. I would like to hear some advice regarding this.
My remote Unity profiler is not working and I don’t know for sure the amount of
memory the audio is consuming apart from the memory stats that Instruments gives me in Xcode.

Can audio alone make my game crash by memory? And what about Android?
I had spent a bit of effort making my current game run with the minimum of draw calls
and scripting overhead so I don’t want to mess the achieved gains with the audio part.

Many thanks in advance!

bumping my own thread, how sad :smile: