Audio Volume Changing

Hi, We have something weird going on. When playing a video with our own video view on android the background music of the game gets louder. Only some videos do this, some of our videos are fine. We also have debugged out the volume of the audio source and it stays constant. Does anyone know anything that could help us?

It depend upon the position of the object from MainCamera or which object you attach a AudioListener when your object come closer to it sound will increase when you go away you sound will be lower suppose you have a Gameobject A to which audio listener attached and Gameobject B to which audio source attahed which you are playing if B is Away from A sound will hear low if B come closer to A sound will be increase…

Soloution attach a audiolistner to your gameobject to which you attached audio source.

Thanks and rate my answer

Is this the case even if it is a 2d sound?

No not for the 2D sounds only for 3D sounds

Ok, thanks! It turns out that we re saved out the video and it worked fine. It was really weird though, we had to remove it from svn and add it back in.