AudioMixer.SetFloat not working when loading Object reference to AudioMixer with Addressable

Hello guys, today I encountered a problem when I call AudioMixer.SetFloat to modify audio volume, I regconized it won’t change my audio volume when I test with Addressable (Use existing build) and also with the android build, but it work when I tested with Use Asset Database. So I created a minimal project to reproduce the problem.
In my new project, I created a new scene “SampleScene” with simple game object with Camera, Audio Listener and my script InstatiateObject, my script only call Addressables.InstantiateAsync(“Object”)

public class InstantiateObject : MonoBehaviour
    private async void Awake()

In my Object, I have AudioSource which has audio clip output to BGM audio mixer group and my Test script. It only change volumn of my audio mixer group though audioMixer.SetFloat

public class Test : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] private AudioMixer audioMixer;
    public void Start()
        audioMixer.SetFloat("BGMVolume", -80);

Follow are images of how I setup my Object and AudioMixer

So the expected behavior is that Object is loaded through Addressable and when Test script (which attached to Object) run, it will modify the volume of audio mixer group to the point I cannot hear the music. Everything work as expected when I run using Use Asset Database, I cannot hear the music as expected and when I check with Profiler’s Audio Module, I see the Volume of BGM is negative infinity

But when I use Use Existing Build, I can hear the music after Object is Instantiate, checking my profiler and volume is shown 0dB. It seem my audioMixer.SetFloat have no effect at all.

Am I doing anything wrong here or is it a bug of Unity?

We did fix a bug with SetFloat and AssetBundles (which Addressables use) recently Unity Issue Tracker - Audio Mixer does not change volume when lowering volume on an Audio Mixer loaded from AssetBundles

First check you are on at least 2022.3.22f1 released 19 Mar 2024 with this fix