AudioSource acting unpredictably

I have an object that has a bunch of objects parented to it. The object has no AudioSource, but multiple objects parented to it, do. If I mute/loop/do anything (audio) to one of the objects, it causes weird sound issues in the other children objects. Anybody had trouble with this before?

I don’t recall this happening. Code sample? Are you even talking about code, or just messing with the Inspectors’ GUI?

hmmm. It appears to be an issue only in the editor. It could be an issue with my sound card, and does not appear to be with my scripting (for once). It works fine as a standalone. Sorry to post this in the wrong place.

yes. Once I restarted the editor the issue disappeared. Again, my bad.

I don’t see how it was a “bad”. Somebody else might find this thread; you’ve supplied them with a potential fix.

If it happens predictably, though, you should report a bug.