We have a lots of AudioSource playing same time.
In Editor everything is fine, we hear all of them.
In Android Build some AudioSource sound interrupt and not play at all
AudioSource priority is same: 128
ProjectSettings.Audio.MaxVirtualVoices: 512
ProjectSettings.Audio.MaxRealVoices: 32
Can i reproduce this behaviour in Editor?
Will high priority help with AudioSources stutter / not play in Build?
I don’t think the AndroidPlayer handles MaxRealVoices differently, so it might be a performance issue? What is the mobile devices you’re testing with? If you can try on another device to see if the behaviour is consistent that would be interesting information.
Are you overriding your AudioClips loading/compression/format/quality settings? I would start by investigating the loading type, as this is what has the biggest impact on how the engine processes the sounds.
About reproducing on the Editor, I’d try lowering the RealVoices value to see if the result is similar.
Also, when you say “a lot” of AudioSources how many are we talking about? A big number of spatialized sources generally benefits from better priority segmentation.