Just testing out the new FMOD features and came up with this little test scene
Goes well with humming "Unity3 is here…de dumm dum…okay, maybe I made that bit up and it’s been looping too long in my head:face_with_spiral_eyes:
Thanks to Kalymator14 for hacking into the GetSpectrum data early on http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/58769-Unity-3-Audio-Spectrum-Analysis?highlight=spectrum
Love the new features!
I still cant get that to work. Ive tried klaymator14’s sample code and i get nothing. I think I’m having a problem with refreshing. Only in the editor does it do anything and only while I click on the values that are getting updated. What are your import settings on your audio file?
Standard 16bit 44k stereo wav files.
It’s pretty basic
//Get the spectrum data
float[ ] numArray = this.Audio.GetSpectrumData(this.numSamples, this.channel, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris)
numsamples 64, 128, 256, 512 etc
Channel 0 or 1
Been trying for a few hours now and the file at the URL is missing…
oh, yeah, I took that down when I put http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/62719-The-Canyons up
Just a sec, let me reupload it…[sec]…done! → http://sonicviz.com/test/u3.html