Aurora Engine - FPS Engine for PC, Consoles and Mobile Games | Multiplayer Support!

Hello, it’s feature will be added in the next updates!

We recommend you send a screenshot or a small video with the error to the official Discord server in bug-report channel.

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hi Thank you for reply. here is Screen Shot5991128--644423--image_2020_06_17T12_00_14_916Z.png 5991128--644426--image_2020_06_17T12_00_03_753Z.jpg

Okay, we will fix this bug in next update.

We have started a new course of Aurora FPS Essential Tutorials!

Watch the tutorial about creating weapon!

Aurora FPS Essential Tutorials!

Watch the tutorial about creating loot weapon!

Aurora FPS Essential Tutorial!

Watch the tutorial about Grab Object!

In new update of Aurora FPS, health system will be supported hitboxes!

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Some update news: in new update of Aurora FPS, will be added new Dynamic Ragdoll system!

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If you want to ask us questions, you can contact us directly via Discord!

New update Aurora FPS v1.32, will be really large!

Moblie support, Recoil pattern, Dynamic ragdoll and much more!

We will publish a full list of changes in the near future!

Aurora FPS Essential Tutorial!
Watch the tutorial about Inputs!

In the update v1.32 will be added one more new player controller based on Character Controller!

During the work on the update of Aurora FPS, the AI learned to throw grenades!

Aurora FPS Essential Tutorials!

In the update v1.32 will be added hit areas!

Very soon will be released new update v1.3.2 for Aurora FPS with a lot of new features! Release notes will be published in the near future!

We finished update v1.3.2 and sent it on the Asset Store! It’s a huge update, we added a lot of new features, now the asset is at a completely new level of quality!

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Try the demo of the new Aurora FPS v1.3.2!
Demo Link: Demos - Google Drive

Release notes of the update v1.3.2

  • New AAA high quality first person controller based on CharacterController. Now this controller used by default in Aurora FPS and will be used in all demo scene! New controller really amazing, we can’t wait to introduce it to you! Legacy first person controller based on rigidbody still available, you can use it as before.
  • New Dynamic Ragdoll system, supports any custom bodies. Can be used with custom characters just add component! This system came to replace Adaptive Ragdoll system, Dynamic Ragdoll more flexeble, performance and easy to use. Legacy Adaptive Ragdoll still available, you can use it as before.
  • Health system now supports hit areas! Hit areas can be added in any body part in one click by easy to use editor embedded in Health component. Supports Player, AI and any other custom objects, just need to add health component and all!
  • Mobile support integration, installing in few clicks, supporting all touch screen mobile devices, which support Unity engine! Easily to add custom screen buttons and joysticks!
  • New crosshair system, now it is fully customizable, you can customize every element, added support for presets, now you can create custom presets!
  • Unity Technologies added Bolt (visual scripting extension) in all Unity plans for free, and now Aurora FPS fully support Bolt visual scripting! Thanks by flexible Aurora FPS API you can use Bolt and Aurora FPS in 100%!
  • New representation of deals, Decal Object component which contains specific features such as randomize transform value. Now all decals will be difference because all of this will have different scale and rotation! This feature makes it more realistic!
  • Completely new demo scenes, map with ready to use models, configurated Post-Processing, light and etc
  • New ready to use first person character model with high quality configurated ragdoll.
  • New recoil system, allows to create detailed patterns with a lot of settings for each weapon. Now you can create recoil patterns such in AAA games: Call of Duty, Battlefield a etc.
  • New death camera system, can be changed through API.
  • New component event system, added much more events for many components and many of them now support parameters.
  • New ladder climbing system for FPCController (new controller based on CharacterController).
  • New character model for Player and AI with high quality configurated ragdoll.
  • Added system to play collision sounds for level props!
  • Added physics based bullet shell ejector system!