Aurora Engine - FPS Engine for PC, Consoles and Mobile Games | Multiplayer Support!

Update released in the Asset Store and available for download!

In the new update v1.3.2 added mobile control support! You can install in through Aurora Manager in Integration section!

Aurora FPS - Hot price 25$ (50% discount), limited time!

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New tech trailer of Aurora FPS v1.3.3!

Looks great!

Is there also an option for a double jump? Like in metroid prime

Sure in Player controller options, find ā€œJump Settingsā€ section, and set desired jump count.

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Great thanks!

If you like Aurora FPS, please leave a review in the Asset Store. Itā€™s very help to the asset.

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Yes I will do that, I just bought it today :slight_smile:

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Tried the demo but I have some concern. The AI players seem to all be ice skating around the factory interior. Any ideas on why this is happening in the demo?

In demo scene AI walks with fixed speed.

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Sure! In the near fufture we will be update demo also add demo for macOS build!

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If you have any questions, you can ask them in the official Discord channel.

Released new update v1.3.4!

In the new update we have added support Light and Dark editor themes!

In new update added mobile support addon for free!

Is it possible to create monsters like Doom ( Melee attack) with AI Aurora System?

Yes. can create AI Enemy with melee attack system!

Hi sorry if my english is not perfect im french ^^ your kit is awesome but I donā€™t understand how create ai enemy I have a velociraptor and I want him attack the player ( melee attack ) but in the documentation it not explain how add a new character can you explain exactly how I can add my velociraptor and make him attack the player thanks !!


  1. Create new AI character through Aurora Manager.
  2. Add melee attack state.