Authentication format limits for username 3 to 20 are quite short to use email as a username. Is there a way to authenticate with email longer then 20 characters?
Some mails have shortened address variants which can give you extra 4 characters before hitting 20, anyways maybe if you create support ticket they will register even long ones manually.
(Or just create new email that is it)
That field is for a username, not an email. You specifically don’t want to ask for the user’s email here. Getting or asking for the user’s email may even have repercussions in terms of DSA (not too familiar but always wary).
In any case, unless Unity lifts that limit, 20 characters it is.
Just wondering. Probably less common in games but many other services use email as username. Obviously 20 character is a no go limitation but: Why “specifically don’t want to ask for the user’s email here”? Beside DSA, is there any other reason? Thanks,
I don’t know a service where email is username it is login yes but not a public nickname which shows to everyone. Limit to 20 is probably to not crap the database with bunch of unreadable names and keep size optimized, so it won’t bloat 2x if the limit was 40, for e.g.
Yes, email as a login. Not username. But Authentication ask for a username for login: AuthenticationService.Instance.SignUpWithUsernamePasswordAsync. Is just me, this is a bit limiting now days? Is it just me?
No, me too. I also find the username/password service to be useless as it currently stands.
You can’t even provide users with a self-service password reset option, and them asking you to reset their password is best not provided as an option because you can’t tell for certain that the person asking is really the account owner.
Incorporating other ID providers will be much more welcome by users anyway since about everyone has at least an Apple, Google, Steam, etc account they could log in with.
Ah, I understood, you weren’t talking about above (image), but the code part in the Engine, lol.
Then i completely don’t know, why it is username only, btw. But my guess, just because usernames are shorter, than emails, as in them you always need to put etc, which sometimes even longer than the nick. (even my current is example of a short one)
Hi Joan,
I work on the team that looks after Unity Player Authentication and I agree that seems a little more limiting than people might expect.
I’m not sure why it’s 20 characters specifically, but that is also the limit of some older Windows systems, maybe aligned with that for some reason - I’ll take a look at the repo and any documentation I can find to understand why it’s set at that limit specifically.
@CodeSmile is right to note that we do request developers not to collect personal data, which can include an email address, in the Privacy and consent guidance for the service.
We know a lot of developers want to use Username and Password this way - and that they would like to see a Password Reset option for this flow, but it’s not how the feature was originally intended to be used - so for legal reasons and because of the 20 character limit, Username and Password authentication option isn’t a good fit for email address, but we are actively exploring how we can address that use case (it’s been a hot topic in the team).
To clarify a comment by @FnSolo, in this case the Username in this case is not public - not to be confused with the Player Name property, which is public!
Best regards,