Authentication of Unity Game using Azure AD

I’m currently working on a Unity Project, our client asked us to integrate the web app with Azure AD to authenticate the user.
My query is How to make a player authentication and identity system for unity based web app using Azure AD.

Hi there,

Thanks for posting on the forums.
You could try using Authentications OpenID

Since Azure AD supports OpenID you would be able to user Azures ID to link with Unity Authentication.
Hope this helps you out.


Hi, I’m following this thread because we are also setting up Azure AD B2C for Unity Authentication.

We encounter one issue : when we want to add the Open ID provider on the Dashboard, we need an “OIDC Name” value, but we are not sure where to get this value. There is no documentation about that on Azure and it seems that we need to provide a proper value, otherwise we can’t add the provider.

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Hi BSimonSweet,

Thanks for posting on the forums.

The OIDC name can be anything that you choose fit. As long as it is between 6 and 20 characters and starts with oidc-
example: oidc-myoidcname12345

Hope this helps you out

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We still can’t add our provider. We are almost sure of the 2 data we enter (Client ID and Issuer) are correct but we systematically get the error: “INVALID_PARAMETERS” and in detail: “error getting openid-configuration”.

We previously tested this provider on another openId connect solution and had no problems.

Do you have any tips or a solution?


did anyone here manage to get this working? would like to be able to have social logins(ie. google, microsoft, etc.) through b2c working through a unity app