Authentication on the Muse Chat Website

Is it just me, or is authentication really buggy?

If I’m logged into both my main Unity and a second account I made because I used the wrong email in the signup form, the Muse site just flat out refuses to work. This doesn’t really seem to be an issue on the asset store.

And also, if I leave the Muse Chat site on for about 10 minutes, even if I’ve been actively asking questions or clicking things, it’ll eventually end up with an “internal server error” message and log me out. After logging back in, it works per normal again.

Authorization works fine if I use incognito every time, but that’s obviously shouldn’t be the user experience.


Hi @aytimothy2, we are sorry to hear that you have had issues starting to use Muse Chat. However, this is very important feedback and we appreciate you taking the time to share it!

You mention that different emails are not a problem for your UnityID to process while using the asset store, this is interesting, would you mind expanding on this in a ticket here? That way we can properly triage your request.

The timeout you observe after being inactive and then getting an internal server error, have you observed this repeatedly? Same goes here, if you wouldn’t mind filing a ticket that also included information about your environment - we can look into it properly!

Many thanks!! :smiley:

I managed to have it happen 3 times in a row. My main account is @aytimothy

Will raise a ticket later.

Just an update: In between the time I complained and now, everything seems to be fixed now; Muse is working as expected.
If you’d ask me a month ago, I’d have the ticket done back then (stopped happening about a week after I created this post). @martina_johannesson

Glad to hear it’s working but apologies for the confusion and outage. Looking forward to hearing about your experience now that it’s back up again! :slight_smile: Best, Martina