Authoritative Server - Cheating

Hello, So i have some questions about using an authoritative server.

  1. In a full 16 person game will it be laggy?

  2. Won’t the player hosting the game be able to alter data since he is the one hosting? even if the others cant

  3. Would it work to write another program that the server sends data to as well as the other players, that checks the values to make sure they aren’t altered and sends back to the server if they are to disconnect that player.

(ex. Server sends bobs movement speed is 10, when the max is 5. and it disconnects him. or bobs last saved ammo is 7 and his current ammo is 10(and there are no places to get more ammo) and disconnects him.

Im still new with the unity networking so bear with me:smile:

That’s a question that can’t be answered. It depends on your game’s requirements. Send rate, how much data is being sent, bandwidth available, etc. A racing game, online poker and RPG’s all have differing characteristics.

Of course. You can make things difficult for them though. Still if it’s a standalone distribution they can easily access/modify the source code for your game.

Not worth it. Would increase latency, double your bandwidth requirements and at that point you might as well just go peer-peer. I think what you would find is people being asshats and disconnecting players they don’t like on purpose.

Alright thanks! :slight_smile: and is peer to peer possible with unity3d? I think i remember reading somewhere that its not

Define “peer-to-peer” in this case, please.