Hi there,
I created attributes, which are auto attach components to your fields
Github : GitHub - Nrjwolf/unity-auto-attach-component-attributes: Auto attach components in inspector
Once I was faced with the problem of null checking in unity. You can read about this here Unity Blog
In short, if you use something like
private Transform m_CachedTransform
public Transform transform
if (m_CachedTransform == null)
m_CachedTransform = InternalGetTransform();
return m_CachedTransform;
You will have performance problem, because unity overrides ==, also you with this point, you should be carreful with ? operator.
So, I started to think, how to attach components without caching it every time in Awake/Start functions.
Example of using :
[SerializeField] private Camera m_Camera;
[SerializeField] private Image m_Image;
[GetComponentInChildren(true)] // include inactive
[SerializeField] private Button m_Button;
[GetComponentInChildren("Buttons/Button1")] // Get the component from the children by path "Buttons/Button1" in hierarchy
[SerializeField] private Button m_Button;
[AddComponent] // Add component in editor and attach it to field
[SerializeField] private SpringJoint2D m_SpringJoint2D;
Also, you can easily turn it on/off, because attributes will not give you opportunity to use default drag&drop
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