Auto attach components via attributes

Hi there,

I created attributes, which are auto attach components to your fields

Github : GitHub - Nrjwolf/unity-auto-attach-component-attributes: Auto attach components in inspector

Once I was faced with the problem of null checking in unity. You can read about this here Unity Blog

In short, if you use something like

private Transform m_CachedTransform
public Transform transform
    if (m_CachedTransform == null)
      m_CachedTransform = InternalGetTransform();
    return m_CachedTransform;

You will have performance problem, because unity overrides ==, also you with this point, you should be carreful with ? operator.

So, I started to think, how to attach components without caching it every time in Awake/Start functions.

Example of using :

[SerializeField] private Camera m_Camera;
[SerializeField] private Image m_Image;
[GetComponentInChildren(true)] // include inactive
[SerializeField] private Button m_Button;

[GetComponentInChildren("Buttons/Button1")] // Get the component from the children by path "Buttons/Button1" in hierarchy
[SerializeField] private Button m_Button;
[AddComponent] // Add component in editor and attach it to field
[SerializeField] private SpringJoint2D m_SpringJoint2D;

Also, you can easily turn it on/off, because attributes will not give you opportunity to use default drag&drop


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Hi, I am considering using your library in our project. However, do you do anything in runtime, or all the work done to set the attributes live in the editor only? If you do anything in runtime, then,

  1. Do you use reflection? Linq?
  2. Where the runtime code lives at? Awake? Start?

He does it in an Editor script