Auto deleting last particle(if limit riched)

I have a particle system and I need to show as more as possible particles on the game scene(count controlled by “Max Particles” property) but adding new particle more important than keeping old one. So I need to destroy every last particle when rich limit. How can I do this? Also in wiki I found “Max Particles - The maximum number of particles in the system at once. Older particles will be removed when the limit is reached.” But in the editor it says:

And it works like it says like I dont want it to work. How can I fix it?

The only way I know to do what you want is a bit involved. You have to get the array of particles, check to see if the size is at the maximum. If it is, you have to cycles through the particles to find the oldest, then set the lifetime of the oldest to -1, and then set the modified array of particles. Example:

#pragma strict

var ps : ParticleSystem;
var particles : ParticleSystem.Particle[];

function Start() {
	ps = particleSystem;
	particles = new ParticleSystem.Particle[ps.maxParticles];

function Update() {
	var count = ps.GetParticles(particles);
	if (count == ps.maxParticles) {
		var index = 0;
		var lt : float = particles[0].lifetime;
		for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			if (particles*.lifetime < lt) {*

_ lt = particles*.lifetime;_
index = i;_
particles[index].lifetime = -1.0;_
ps.SetParticles(particles, count);_

You could cheat and cut down the particle lifetime so you never exceed whatever you max size is. Its pretty easy to calculate the maximum number of particles a given effect could have at any given time.