Auto Exposure Not working in Webgl build


I am running into an issue where the auto exposure in Unity Post Processing stack downloaded via package manager in 2019.2.2f1 does not build with my webgl game. It works fine in the editor and it works fine in a normal PC, Mac, windows standalone build but nothing for webgl. All other post processing effect work fine in the webgl build (Bloom, color grading). Any idea what might be causing the auto exposure to disable on build?

Side note, I have tested the auto exposure of beutify and prism and both build with the webgl game.

AutoExposure requires compute shader support, which is not available on WebGL.

How do you explain the auto exposure from 3rd party plugins working in the build? Do these not use computer shaders?

@mikepifer15 probably they do it differently.

Is there any update in unity 2021.1.x? I also written this in unity webgl conversion guide but don’t if it has fixed in newest unity version.