Hello! I recently released an Asset that I would like to share! Let me know what you think!
Auto Hand is A Rigidbody hand controller that automatically configures to the collider’s shape when grabbing.
Find it on the asset store here:
Hello! I recently released an Asset that I would like to share! Let me know what you think!
Auto Hand is A Rigidbody hand controller that automatically configures to the collider’s shape when grabbing.
Find it on the asset store here:
Very cool …I was wondering if there is any fine tweaking to make the snap smoother and less visible.
It’s a good suggestion. I will look into adding this for the next update!
Just bought this yesterday, I like it a lot though I have a few questions.
I’ve been trying out the demo scenes and noticed on the objects that can be grabbed by 2 hands there were 2 occurrences that stood out to me.
The first was if the distance between the hands goes beyond a certain value then the object is dropped by both hands, is there any chance an option could be added to say that if the item mass (or some other measurement) is below a threshold then one hand would try to keep hold of the object? Possibly by comparing controller angle with the hand transform, controller with the largest angle loses and releases.
The second was when handling one of the large balls with 2 hands, is there a way to make it so the hands can get closer together without breaking the grip as easily as when moving them further apart? In my head it seemed as though applying pressure was making it break the grip too easily, which would make sense if the object had low friction I guess.
Lastly just a question to save me time integrating this into my project. Can I add all of the required layers by hand and setup the matrix myself? I have many layers already in use and applied throughout many scenes and prefabs so allowing a complete overwrite during the import would create too much work.
Thanks for your time and the excellent asset!
Hey Squeyed,
Thanks for the kind words! You can increase each Grabbables Joint Break Force and Joint Break Torque values to increase the distance required to break the hand’s connection to the held object, which should help with your first two problems. You can also absolutely set those layers up by hand and it should be no problem at all!
I love the animation & pose functionality, but my game doesn’t use physics system (i.e. no Rigidbodies on my grabbables). Is it theoretically possible to factor out the “Hand raycast to colliders → choose saved/dynamic pose → animate fingers” so that Rigidbodies/throwing/grabbing can be handled by another system (like the OVR examples in the Quest Demo scenes).
hi dear,
i tried to use Quest handtracking sample scene of Auto Hand package … bout does not working!!
so, any suggestions??
and how can i implement auto hand to OVRCustomHandPrefab?? i followed video tutuorial but got no success :[
P.S: default oculus camera rigs and hands are working good
Hi, was considering picking this up but I have 2 questions.
is it easy to integrate into an existing game that already has a working setup using the XROrigin component ( on oculus quest ) without too much redo of work?
can the hand animations / poses be applied to the meta avatars that oculus provides or do I need to use a custom hand model?
hi, good asset. All worked easy from scratch. Except…
The Oculus hand tracking rig does not follow the headset position as the others do.
Does not seem to work for me in the oculus handtracking example scene. Hands get stuck on collision with objects, I am using unity 2021.3.4 with the latest autohands (3…) and oculus package. Any fixes? @EarnestRobot
We used Hurrican VR for the last year for our project (health sector).
But in my private projects I always used auto hand
I just became the CTO so we will switch to your package most likely during this year.
Goind forward for us the handtracking support Open XR / Meta based with the auto hand (grib) function is the biggest selling point.
Which Hurrican vr doesnt have.Also for me Auto-hand appears much cleaner.
Since unity now also made its own open xr handtracking support, support for this one if it doesnt exist yet would also be great.
Any chance there will be a player prefab example using unitys open xr hands ( handtracking)?