We currently use a custom “build maker” script to automatically make builds for us on different platforms, etc.
This is the code we use to make builds & to automate the creation of the Addressables bundles:
// Set Build Target
EditorUserBuildSettings.SwitchActiveBuildTarget(BuildTargetGroup.Standalone, target);
// Handle Addressables, which are actually Asset Bundles.
// Build it
BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(Scenes, FullPathForSingleBuild(buildDate, branch, target), target, GetBuildOptions(optionsMask));
Few questions:
We have recently implemented “variations” by following the example shown in the sample repo, pretty much an exact copy of it (‘Advanced/Addressables Variants’ example), for shipping assets in different resolutions.
It appears that the example shown requires you to build Addressables bundle via the Addressables window → Build button → New Build → “Packed Variations” button.
Question: How do we automate this / what’s the equivalent way to achieve this via code? -
We’ve been trying to speed up our builds (and load times), and I see that this package is supposed to already support a semi-intelligent level of “incremental/delta” package builds/updates.
A) Is there something specific needed to get incremental building to work, for faster builds?
B) Does our code above (specifically the ‘CleanPlayerContent()’ call) defeat the incremental functionality – meaning, are we shooting ourselves in the foot? -
If we know that none of our Addressables have changed, or if we know that our “video frames” did not change but our models did, is there a way [via code] for us to trigger a build for only those groups – or is it all or nothing? Basically we’d love to add to our ‘buildmaker UI’ a way to check/uncheck which groups are re-built & which aren’t; often we’ve just made a small code hotfix & we’d love to get that shipped rapidly, without waiting on a full Addressables ‘packaging’ process to occur [for each target platform heh].
Question:* Is there a way to build only certain Addressable groups – or is it an all-or-nothing operation?
Thank you!