Automatic Renaming of GameObject on creation and why I dislike it

I make dummy cubes and spheres all the time for testing. I never -ever- want to rename them immediately after making them (if at all). This “feature” (I’m using editor 2021.2.7f1) where I have to rename the object immediately after creating it has caused enough of a disruption that I am here complaining about it.

If this is resolved in a different editor version, that’s great. I’ll be sure to jump to that one next project.

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When making a quick prototype I won’t need it, but when working in a company I’ll make sure everything is named properly when generated.

While I also find it annoying from time to time, I do see why it’s a good thing for organizations making bigger games

You don’t “have” to rename them. You can just click outside them or hit enter and continue on your merry way.

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Look what I found today: