AVC - Arcade Vehicle Controller

Very nice!
Have you tried implementing touchscreen control inputs for mobile or tablets?

I have not, but the input method doesn’t matter, just call the Accellerate method from your input class.


  • Added new Vehicle Setting to stop vehicles sliding down slopes sideways. This can be toggled on/off

Hello. Thank you for asset, its very cool. I found little visual bug which appears on the mobile phone. Often car twitches at speed, is trying to roll over. I fixed that. I think raycast “NearGround” hit to self collider. I added layer mask, and move this code to LateUpdate. Im not debug raycast hit on mobile, just did it and this fixed problem.

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AVC has been updated to v1.5, if you’re seeing your vehicle move incredibly slowly/ not at all you’ll need to setup the layers for the ground as required - check the documentation or fire me an email.

Update notes:


  • Added the option to disallow vehicles turning when stationary
  • Added a LayerMask to the grounded check (thank you @Dima_Timofeenko )
  • Fixed cinemachine target follow stutter. This happened because the target was being updated in FixedUpdate() and LateUpdate(), now everything is in FixedUpdate()

Looks cool. Is there any audio option coming?

I made AVC to use in my own racing game, so I will be doing engine audio, but it is probably a few months away yet. At the moment I’m hoping to do it in such a way that AVC isn’t required and can take in any input for a good engine sound, if this happens it’ll be sold as a separate asset - however, these are not concrete plans as I haven’t started development/ planning on this part yet.

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I’ve updated to v1.6, now, after importing a new window will be displayed to help setting up the ground layer, this makes it simple and obvious that this step is required.

Information on how to do this step manually is available in the documentation, on page 3.


  • Added setup window to make layer setup unmissable
  • Removed unused var from editor window

Hey, there’s an issue where the vehicle (all (easy to see on Car and Boat)) jitters while drifting round and round. Thought It was cinemachine so I tried out different camera controller and simple camera follow as well. It can be viewed on your WebGL build as well

To Reproduce:

  • Cap the FPS to 30-60 (mobile).
  • Change the view of the camera (2nd mode provided by you)
  • Keep Drifting (Left/Right arrow + Forward)/(A/D+W)

What version of AVC are you using?

It’ll be happening in the WebGL version because of cinemachine, I don’t update the demos for every version and the current demo versions are from before I improved the stuttery camera movement (or so I thought…)

The latest one 1.6

I’ve improved it, you no longer see the vehicle stutter, however, the skid marks disappearing is the only bit I can notice stuttering now. Need to take some time to look at this, not sure how to sort this bit out.


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Thanks a lot, but I still cant @Carwashh see updated version on store

I haven’t pushed the updates yet, I still need to double check everything is ok before I do.

It usually takes Unity ~24hrs to approve it too, it’s also weekend, so (I believe) they don’t do reviews.

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v.17 is now live, changelog below. I’ll get around to updating the demos on itch.io ASAP.


  • Improved ground check, allowing for the sphere collider to be resized
  • Removed unused param from VehicleEffects method
  • Stopped setup launcher opening after any package has imported, it only opens when AVC is imported
  • Improved vehicle movement to make the camera follow much smoother

4 functions in the fixed update from update thanks a lot!!! :stuck_out_tongue: fixes the jittery issue

Another update is now live, there were a few warnings in the console (mostly from the Example classes) because the variables are assigned in the inspector, these are now hidden. There should be no console warnings from AVC.


  • Fixed all console warnings

there is no possibility (WebGL) or Videos to check out the car behaviour @ little jumps, ramps and something…i would like to see how the physics are working if the car isnt jumping straight over a ramp for example.

Small jump, big jump, jump while driving a small turn at the end of ramp, landing behaviour,etc.
And especially a 90degress ramp/jump is very very interesting to see if the car jumps in the air and comes exactly back to the ramp.
Could you provide a example-video like this - or impliment objects in the demo?

Did you realized the physics with 1 sphere collider in the middle?

btw: great work!


  • Added package for Unity v2019.4
  • Added tool to fix wheel rotation when model pivot points arent centered correctly
  • Fixed SetPosition, vehicle no longer carries on moving
  • Docs moved online
  • Corrected turning whilst reversing

(The above post went to DM’s and we talked about his questions there)

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Minor update released today to improve the example AI (note: this example AI isn’t intended for use in a full project)


  • Added pacakge for Unity v2020.1
  • Improved example AI
  • Removed extra sphere colliders that weren’t doing anything from AI