Average number of games played per user per level

In my game I have 36 levels. After every level I log new event with the level number, some scores, time, user id etc… Now I would like to get a view/CSV that will show me how many times in average users are playing each levels. So I would like to count number of events by user per level and calculate average. How I can achieve it in the Unity Analytics?

In my previous game I was using my own SQL DB and I could easily get that data using queries and excel. Here however I am confused. I tried Data Explorer as well as Funnels. Please advice.


Hi @BinaryBanana ,

One way you could view the amount of times a level has been played is by creating a custom event with at least one parameter for each of the 36 levels. If the parameter passed is always a 1 you would then be able to find out how many times a particular level was played on a particular day and the average amount of times a player played that level.

This can all be viewed in the Data Explorer page by selecting View Parameters.

View Parameters page.

I hope this helps, let me know if you have any questions!

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Thanks, that will solve the problem for average number of games per level. I see that also in CSV I am getting other numbers (count, sum, avg) for other parameters which is great. I can calculate average for best score, score, and number of games per difficulty (Easy, Normal).

However creating new custom events for every metrics will not solve all my scenarios. Would be great to get an access to SQL queries.

Some of my scenarios I am interested in, if are looking for sth like that to extend the platform:

  • Average score per level, when user plays on Easy or Normal per number of stars he got (1, 2 or 3 stars)
    (used to adjust scores numbers required to get 1, 2 or 3 stars on Easy and Normal)
  • Same as above but be able to filter results by game results (Won/Lost)
  • Find user with the highest number of games played and time he spent in all levels/particular level (for fun and for marketing)
  • Average number of games played per level (as you answered) to find levels that are too hard to complete

@BinaryBanana ,

We are also working on a data export feature which would allow you the ability to download your raw data so you could upload it to an SQL server and run your custom queries over the data. I cannot say for sure when it will become available but it sounds like this would be a perfect solution for you.

Thanks for the suggestions! If you would like to vote for some of these ideas to be implemented you can show your support for them by voting here, http://feedback.unity3d.com/forums/unity/suggestions?utf8=✓&status=0&category=analytics&view=hottest