Hi I am trying to familiarize myself with Unity, I want to get the average position of a list of objects.
Currently I have two 2D objects and I am trying to find the average position, I am using DrawRay to view visually. I expect the two lines to meet between the two objects - but they dont…
Update Code:
//list of positions to average
List<Vector3> positions = new List<Vector3>();
//get some objects
GameObject[] arr = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("test");
//add objects positions to list
for (var i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++) {
positions.Add (arr [i].transform.position);
//get the average of the objects in positions
Vector3 avg = GetMeanVector(positions);
//draw line from center of current gameObject to average position.
Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, avg, Color.red);
Debug.Log ("AV" + avg + "RL" + transform.position);
private Vector3 GetMeanVector(List<Vector3> positions){
if (positions.Count == 0)
return Vector3.zero;
float x = 0f;
float y = 0f;
float z = 0f;
foreach (Vector3 pos in positions)
x += pos.x;
y += pos.y;
z += pos.z;
return new Vector3(x / positions.Count, y / positions.Count, z / positions.Count);
I have some screenshots of the result.
This screenshot shows the rays in the scene view.
This screenshot prints the positions.
Any help appreciated thanks. Also, I should mention I asked this in Unity answers, but it is taking all day for moderation…
Everything seems good except for the ray draw. The second argument isn’t an end point, it’s a direction; that’s why both drawn rays go up by ~1.3 and left by ~0.2 from each object.
This is much more readable. Code being short is not necessarily any better. You can make your code even “shorter” by removing all that unnecessary whitespace:
private Vector3 GetMeanVector(List<Vector3> positions){Vector3 meanVector=Vector3.zero;foreach(Vector3 pos in positions)meanVector+=pos;return(positions.Count==0?meanVector:meanVector/positions.Count);}
Is that better? No, it’s not ^^.
If you’re just looking for short code, you could just use Linq Aggregate and Select to do the final division.
It’s a well-understood noob reflexive mistake to combine code into one line. Don’t fall for it.
Jeez mate, theres people on the end of the telephone. Go easy…
I was bundling it in a utility class and figured maybe I could help someone - theres more than one use case.
I think people are more annoyed that you necroed a 6 year old thread without really adding anything to it. Since it was already solved, it may have been better to create your own thread with the prefix Showcase instead, as it doesn’t unnecessarily ping everyone in the thread who hasn’t looked at it in 6 years.
The problem of packing everything into a few lines is so common, so pernicious, so much of a colossal waste of everybody’s time, that my entire post above is from a text file I keep of common “oh here we go again” responses to bad practices.
It’s just copy/pasted advice.
And it works. Break it up. Social distancing please.
Don’t read emotion into technical advice. (That’s another noob mistake, while we’re breaking eggs… )
And don’t necro-post. That’s straight from forum rules.
Yeah, good point - and I should draw a line between your points and how you package them - not getting emotional is a better way to be better.
Some of this stuff doesn’t always work - like DOTween has a ton of fullstops packed into a single line - it’s common to find a caveat in a ruleset.
Being able to read a slightly convoluted ternary statement quickly can have some merits - its common - imperfect code is common, being able to work within that space can have some merits.
If you’re solo coding and trying to make a small class - to explain myself away… I had seen that someone else might be trying to do the same thing and were looking for a smaller snippet… maybe i could of been of some help. Earnestly it was me just thinking maybe someone could be in the same spot - I didn’t realise everyone else had gotten notified, didn’t realise the rules about necromancy…
But i don’t know how well i can defend myself - you both have far better points than me… It was more the framing than the content.
Considering we joined this forum on the same year - welcome to you as well!
Thanks for the introduction - I’ll see myself out.