Avoid completly black spots?

Hi so I have this problem with cpmpletly black spots on objects when you look at the opposite site of the Directional light.
Is this normal? Because I looked it up and nothing could help me with that problem.

Hey there,
Unfortunately the information you have provided isn’t quite enough to troubleshoot properly.

If you only have directional light illuminating the scene, and there is nothing to bounce that light onto the ‘dark side’ of the object in the screenshot, this might very well expected behavior. You could alleviate this with either ambient (environment) lighting, more lights in the scene, or by placing more geometry to bounce the light.

If you could post screenshots of the settings on the directional light and the dark object, as well as of the “Scene” and “Environment” tabs under lighting settings (Window > Rendering > Lighting), that would be a great help. Alternatively, you could upload your project.

Also, if you are using one of the render pipelines, which one?