Avoid using the built in physics for a small MMO FPS (e.g. 32 players) game?

Hi all,
I have read in several places to avoid using the built in physics (like applying an impulse for jumping) when making a mmo game. They suggest directly manipulating the velocity and adding your own gravity. These posts were all over a year old. I’m just curious if this is still true with the newest version of Unity. I just want to verify if this is true before making my game. Thanks! :slight_smile:

I’m new to making games with Unity, so I have a lot to learn. Just trying to find the best method for syncing the physics, so any tips are greatly appreciated!

Do you have an authoritative setup?


Edit: I think I found the answers I’m looking for: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/417478/best-way-to-make-a-multiplayer-physics-heavy-game.html