Awake and start functions execute twice in multiplayer game

Awake and start functions execute twice.
Both on the server and the client.
On the server when the client connects, on the client just 2 times after eatchother.
Anyone with an idea’s what may cause this behavior?

Because of this my server spawns 3 players (instead of 2)
and on my client there are 4 (instead of 2)


function Awake() 
		Debug.Log("Server Awake function");
	else if(Network.isClient)
		Debug.Log("Client Awake function");

function Start() 
		Debug.Log("Server start function");
	else if(Network.isClient)
		Debug.Log("Client Start function");


Use Network.isClient or Network.isServer as a condition before your awake and start code, using Network.isServer will only be true when the server runs the code and a client will not.

void Start(){
       //Do code here

This had something to do with my loadlevel being called from a networkview trough a rpc call.