I need to create a login page inside my unity app.
I need to use Azure and active directory account.
The problem is that azure librairies are .net 4.5 and unity .net 3.5.
How can I implement an Azure connection?
Any solution would be great, even if you have a solution like a web browser integrated in unity.
Are you using Unity 2017.1 ? If not then download it because it supports .NET 4.6. Then go to player build settings and change the api to 4.6
Edit: Try this GitHub - Unity3dAzure/AppServicesDemo: Azure App Services demos for Unity
I use Unity 5.6 and I can’t change the version because the project has been created for this version and I can’t switch.
I am looking for any solution (wrapper, webview, anything) working with unity 5.6.1.
Good Evening,
Just go through this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/5621/how-to-get-uwp-to-connect-to-an-azure-sql-database.html
This link might help you.
If anyone wants to Learn Azure Online Certification Training, please feel free to ask me, I am there to guide you.
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