The goal of this thread is to provide basic support to the users of ‘Azure Kinect Examples for Unity’-package.
Hi I just purchased the Azure Kinect package, and when I try to run anything with body tracking in it, it reports the following errors:
Can't create body tracker for Kinect4AzureInterface0!
com.rfilkov.kinect.DepthSensorBase:InitBodyTracking(FrameSource, SensorData, Calibration, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/DepthSensorBase.cs:1588)
com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect4AzureInterface:OpenSensor(FrameSource, Boolean, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/Kinect4AzureInterface.cs:293)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:StartDepthSensors() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1948)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:Awake() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1887)
AzureKinectException: result = K4A_RESULT_FAILED
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.AzureKinectException.ThrowIfNotSuccess[T] (T result) (at <e3ec297ecc8543d68cc5f17025e1e2d3>:0)
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.BodyTracking..ctor (Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Calibration calib, Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.k4abt_sensor_orientation_t sensorOrient) (at <e3ec297ecc8543d68cc5f17025e1e2d3>:0)
com.rfilkov.kinect.DepthSensorBase.InitBodyTracking (com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop+FrameSource dwFlags, com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop+SensorData sensorData, Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Calibration calibration, System.Boolean bCreateTracker) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/DepthSensorBase.cs:1568)
com.rfilkov.kinect.DepthSensorBase:InitBodyTracking(FrameSource, SensorData, Calibration, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/DepthSensorBase.cs:1589)
com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect4AzureInterface:OpenSensor(FrameSource, Boolean, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/Kinect4AzureInterface.cs:293)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:StartDepthSensors() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1948)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:Awake() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1887)
I notice in DepthSensorBase.cs at line 1568 you call new BodyTracker...
but in the Microsoft quickstart they use k4abt_tracker_create(&sensor_calibration, tracker_config, &tracker);
and never directly instantiate the Body Tracker object.
I’m on Windows 10, unity 2019.2.0f1, Kinect SDK 1.2 (not in the default location), Body Tracking SDK 0.9.3 (not in the default location), and I have tested and confirmed with Azure Kinect Viewer 1.2.0 and Azure Kinect Body Tracking Viewer.
Please make sure you have installed the Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK to its by-default location, i.e. into ‘C:\Program Files\Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK’-folder. The K4A-asset expects to find it there. Then check if the ‘Azure Kinect Body Tracking Viewer’ works as expected. If the issue persists, please e-mail me, so we can look at the issue more deeply.
Hi, can you add support for Linux?
I’ve just purchased the package. I have Azure Kinect SDK and Body Tracking SDK installed and I verified that they works via the viewer application. However, I’m still getting errors as below.
I’m using Ubuntu 18.04. I’ve tried putting the and other related .so in the Asset folder, but still getting the same errors.
AzureKinectOpenDeviceException: result = K4A_RESULT_FAILED
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.AzureKinectOpenDeviceException.ThrowIfNotSuccess[T] (System.Func`1[TResult] function) (at <e3ec297ecc8543d68cc5f17025e1e2d3>:0)
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Device.Open (System.Int32 index) (at <e3ec297ecc8543d68cc5f17025e1e2d3>:0)
com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect4AzureInterface.OpenSensor (com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop+FrameSource dwFlags, System.Boolean bSyncDepthAndColor, System.Boolean bSyncBodyAndDepth) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/Kinect4AzureInterface.cs:146)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager.StartDepthSensors () (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:2001)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:StartDepthSensors() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:2025)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:Awake() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1940)
Hi, unfortunately I don’t have a Linux machine, to do the needed tests. But if you’d like, we could work on this issue together. If you agree, please contact me by e-mail and mention your invoice number.
First of all I have to say awesome work it has saved us a lot of time in development.
We have been using the KinectV2 examples with good results so far, but now that we are migrating to the AzureKinect we found out that this new asset lack finger tracking support for the AvatarController.
We did a quick dive into the code and noticed that all the finger tracking bits are commented, we wanted to ask if the feature is going to be enabled soon or if you can help us getting it working before trying to patch it up ourselves and save some time if possible
btw we are using version 1.6
Hi, the finger support should come in the next release. If you need it sooner, please contact me by e-mail and mention your invoice number. A big part of the previous finger handling code was stripped out of the current AvatarController-component, so I’m not quite sure what exactly you are going to uncomment or patch.
I’ve sent you an email, Thanks!
Hi, I have purchased this asset principally as learning material, but the quality and amount of the examples has gone beyond my expectations. It is saving me a lot of time to figure out how does the Kinect work. Thanks a lot and congrats!
I would like to compile myself the Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.dll in VisualStudio which is pretty straightforward for the sensor itself, but when I try to add the body tracking dependencies I obtain a dependency error because the package does not target the .Net version 4.6.1. Could you please help me with this issue?
Thanks again.
Thank you, too! I’m not quite sure what exactly you are trying to do. Please e-mail me, mention your invoice number and provide a more details what you’re doing and what exactly is the issue that blocks you.
Have you found that there are any settings for the Kinect controller that result in better joint tracking than others?
Same issue:
Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK is in ‘C:\Program Files\Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK’-folder.
Using 2019.1.10f1 Downloaded the latest Azure Kinect SDKs and Azure Kinect Body Tracking Viewer’ works as expected.
DllNotFoundException: Assets/AzureKinectExamples/SDK/Kinect4AzureSDK/Plugins/k4abt.dll
Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.BodyTracking…ctor (Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Calibration calib, Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.k4abt_sensor_orientation_t sensorOrient, System.Boolean cpuOnlyTracker) (at :0)
com.rfilkov.kinect.DepthSensorBase.InitBodyTracking (com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop+FrameSource dwFlags, com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectInterop+SensorData sensorData, Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Calibration calibration, System.Boolean bCreateTracker) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/DepthSensorBase.cs:1736)
com.rfilkov.kinect.DepthSensorBase:InitBodyTracking(FrameSource, SensorData, Calibration, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/DepthSensorBase.cs:1757)
com.rfilkov.kinect.Kinect4AzureInterface:OpenSensor(FrameSource, Boolean, Boolean) (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/Interfaces/Kinect4AzureInterface.cs:296)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:StartDepthSensors() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:2000)
com.rfilkov.kinect.KinectManager:Awake() (at Assets/AzureKinectExamples/KinectScripts/KinectManager.cs:1939)
It works fine when I do a build, but not when playing in the editor.
Thank you for the feedback! This is an odd issue and I would need to look into more details. Please e-mail me and send me a screenshot of your Unity project’s folder. This is the parent folder of the Assets-folder in your project.
You can find my e-mail here:
The folder contents above looks OK. Now, please e-mail me and mention your invoice number, so we can continue investigating the issue. Please also check, if ‘k4abt.dll’ exists in the SDK/Kinect4AzureSDK/Plugins-folder and is enabled for the Editor & Standalone platforms, as well as for Windows ‘x86_64’.
I had the exact same issue and updated to 0.9.4 and that was the solution.
With the last Windows Update my app crash when I start the scene, did you encounter the same issue?
Thank you for providing the solution!
Are you the same person (or from the same company) that e-mailed me yesterday?
I have not encountered the issue yet, but my Windows version is still 1809. Does anybody else experience the same issue?