I do not own this asset yet, but from what I read in the author’s topic, the version 1.0 of Horizon[On] does not draw to the depth buffer, but the author sends the new shader by PM for those who need them before the release of the next version. The azure[Sky] fog is an image effect and only affects objects that draw to the depth buffer, if you already have these new shaders, i believe that azure[Sky] will work well with Horizon [On].
My intention is to make azure[Sky] work directly in the skybox. This way is much simpler and intuitive to add to the project, with only a script to manage the entire sky, even a begginer will be able to configure it.
So far so good, the problem is that the mesh of the skybox is a sphere of low quality and makes it impossible to write the calculations in the vertex program without having unpleasant results. For this reason, most of the equations are written in the fragment shader that calculates once for each pixel on the screen. Causing delays in the shader. But that is only evident in mobile devices.
The current version 1.0.2 is not optimized as it should be, my first intention was to work, for then optimize. I believe that will not perform well on mobile platforms. In tests I did on Windows PC, the performance was very good.
I used the FPSDisplay.cs script to count the fps. Found in Wiki:
In GI demo scene the fps was around 1100.
In the fog demo scene the fps was around 720. The terrain was the most responsible for the drop in frame rate.
FPS Test
The next version will jump to 2.0.0 because it will have many changes compared to the current version, the two versions will have a very different appearance from each other. For this reason the current version will continue in the package and will have all the improvements of the new version, but it will keep the visual characteristics it has now. Because depending on the graph style of each game, one of the versions can match better than the other.
So far I managed to reduce almost three times the number of math instructions in the fragment shader and get a much more realistic results than the current version.
- The moon now is drawn directly into the skybox.
- And now also implemented the rotation of the sky at night.
- Added support for HDR.
Below is a simple demonstration of how it’s getting. " P.S. It is still in development. "
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/29523611/azure[Sky]DevDemo/azure[Sky] Demo1.html
It remains to add:
- The scintillation of the stars.
- The shadows on the moon.
- The clouds.
- Redo the fog scattering.
- Maybe put some shooting stars across the sky.
- Milky Way ?
I also intend to make an optional version of the shader to use in a Skydome, making it possible to write the calculations in the vertex shader to work in ps_2.0. To have more performance and be able to use quietly in mobile devices.