Hello. I’ve been using the beta version as advised, and it works great. The only issue is static clouds aren’t showing. I’ve messed with the settings and switched out the static clouds, but I can’t get them to show up. Any idea?
Just test a fresh installation here and everything seems to be working well.
Check if the field called “Static Cloud Texture” located at the “Asset Dependencies” tab of the “AzureRenderController” component is not empty, the static sky will render the texture attached there. Sometimes the references can be lost in the importing process.
If there is no texture attached, the sky will render empty as it has no clouds even if the cloud mode is set to static. This is the only reason I can think right now that can cause this issue. I hope it works!
Maybe I’m remembering it wrong, but I thought there were both dynamic moving clouds and static clouds behind them, creating a multi layered sky.
I just switched it to static instead of dynamic and the static clouds show, but now the dynamic aren’t showing.
Can I only have 1 or the other?
I think you are confusing it a bit, each cloud mode is a different cloud system!
The static clouds mode support multi layers depending on the texture you use. If you want to see the multi layers, just set the cloud mode to static, and change the static cloud texture attached in the reference tab, depending on the static cloud texture you use, it will show two layers rotating in different speeds, but it still is the static cloud system, the difference is that now you have two layers instead of one.
Yes, you can use only one or another, it was always this way.
The dynamic clouds felt like they had a static cloud in the background before, but I was probably wrong. I have it on static now and it works well. Thank you.
I’m starting to feel bad for asking too many questions… but I have another issue with the beta version.
I set an event for it to change to rain, but when it gets to that time during runtime, the weather remains on default.
I’ve checked it several times and the calendar is accurate to the event.
I’ve tried several different things to get it to work, but nothing. When I click on GO during runtime it switches to rain so I know it works.
Any help would be appreciated!
Thank you for letting me know of this bug!
Your setup is completely right, there is an error in the editor script of the event controller component that inverts the minute and hour fields, so when you configure the “hour” field of the custom event, actually you are setting the minutes and vice versa.
I will fix it in the next minor update, but if you want to know, the error is in this part of the code from the “OnEnable()” function of the “AzureEventControllerEditor.cs” located at the “Editor” folder:
// Hour and Minute
m_controlRect.y += 20f;
m_hourMinute = new int[] { minute.intValue, hour.intValue };
EditorGUI.MultiIntField(m_controlRect, m_hourMinuteContents, m_hourMinute);
minute.intValue = m_hourMinute[0];
hour.intValue = m_hourMinute[1];
And this is how it should be:
// Hour and Minute
m_controlRect.y += 20f;
m_hourMinute = new int[] { hour.intValue, minute.intValue };
EditorGUI.MultiIntField(m_controlRect, m_hourMinuteContents, m_hourMinute);
hour.intValue = m_hourMinute[0];
minute.intValue = m_hourMinute[1];
Note that when you call the “SetCurrentWeather()”, it will change the weather instantly without any transition. Instead, you can use the function “SetNewWeather()” and pass as parameter the index number of the target weather from the global weather list, this way the weather will change with a transition according to the duration you set in the global weather list.
Azure[Sky] Dynamic Skybox Released!
- Fixed “Assertion Failure” error that was reported by some users of URP, it was triggered from an internal Unity API for an unknown reason so far. For now, Azure is able to avoid that API and the error message should not display anymore.
- Fixed the replacement package “URP_14_0_7” not working in the beta version.
- Fixed the “Custom Time Event” not triggering its target events in the beta version.
Asset Store Link: Azure[Sky] Dynamic Skybox | Particles/Effects | Unity Asset Store
I originally did have SetNewWeather, but while testing and not getting it to work, I tried other functions.
Other than that, the software has been a breeze to use. It’s very user friendly compared to others and has been good on performance as well. Thanks again, though I’ll probably be back with more questions later.
Just tested it. Weather transitions on the hour. We’re good.
I presented a screenshot of the game I am building with Azure, and I got the following feedback:
“tone down the fog! It would be cool if the fog was also rendered with some Rayleigh scattering, so that it looks more realistic instead of being a uniform grey haze.”
Do you have any recommendation how I can adjust that ? It is true that the grey at the horizon looks like pollution, and I would prefer a more naturally looking blueish fog
Hi, you can try to change the Rayleigh color in the profile customization to a blueish color, also you can set the “Fog Scattering Scale” field located at the “Fog Scattering” tab of the “AzureSkyRenderController” component. But the best option I think is already answered, starting in the [post number #1653]( https://discussions.unity.com/t/578781 page-34#post-9030763) to the [post number #1657]( https://discussions.unity.com/t/578781 page-34#post-9037516).
I’m current working on a built-in solution for the next big update!
So… My moon and stars are no longer appearing at night…
Did I press a button somewhere? Sorry…
I don’t know! It can be caused by a lot of things!
- The moon will not show in the sky if you use the realistic time mode depending on the date, because there are dates in the calendar with no moon at night.
- The moon will not show if the property “Moon Texture Intensity” is zero, and if the property “Moon Texture Color” is black.
- Some of these properties are configured as custom weather properties, and are available for customization in the weather presets, other you need to set directly on its component, more precisely in the “Outer Space” tab of the “AzureRenderController” component (Beta Version).
- The moon will also not show if the field “Moon Texture” located at “Assets Dependencies” tab of the “AzureRenderController” component, is empty.
- It can be in use some weather preset with these properties configured to hide the moon and stars.
Most of these things are also true for the stars, for the same reasons. This is what I can think right now! If it is caused by some settings you did, reimporting the package can fix it, but take in mind that reimporting the package will override most of your settings and changes.
I just made a prefab from another scene and replaced the one in the scene where I lost the moon and stars…
I tried testing it again and don’t have a good conclusion.
I accidently had the time loop off in the bad scene, but I enabled it again and it didn’t restore.
I had changed from gamma to linear today but that wouldn’t be the issue most likely, as the moon and stars were in the other scenes.
The lighting from the moon transform was present, even though there was no visible moon so it wasn’t the realistic time mode.
I’ll keep testing it and see if I can recreate it.
Thanks for the suggestion, I did just that, but I have an issue getting the property, I am getting an "
ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
This is for line
RenderSettings.fogColor = weatherController.GetOverrideColorOutput(23);
" However, I have the new custom properties clearly visible in my weather profile. Also, I just tried with a much lower number (like 23), and still gets the same error.
I am a little puzzled.
You need to pass as parameter, the right index number of the property you want to access, the error is saying you are trying to get an index number that does not exist in the override property list.
So try to follow these steps:
Reimport Azure again, to make sure everything is with its default configurations.
In the _OverrideObject located at the “Profiles” folder, just add a new custom property to the list, like in the screenshot below:
This custom property will be used to control the color of Unity’s fog.
Now, it should be available for customization in each weather profile, and its index number is 44 (depending on the number of custom properties you create, each one will be in a different index number). For each weather profile you can now set a different setup to this property according to the climate, so at least for the default weather profile, just configure its gradient like in the screenshot below:
Now, with the script below, we will get the resulting color value of this custom property from the weather controller component. The weather controller will perform all the weather blend and transitions, and finally stores the final value of this custom property, to its override property list, at the same index number. So, the code below will get the output value from the override property list of the weather controller, and send it to Unity’s render settings.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.AzureSky;
public class UnityFogController : MonoBehaviour
public AzureWeatherController weatherController;
void Start()
void Update()
RenderSettings.fogColor = weatherController.GetOverrideColorOutput(44);
Note that for the function in the Update, we passed as parameter the number 44, that is the index number of the custom property we want to access. If the custom property is a float, we should use the method GetOverrideFloatOutput(int index), instead of GetOverrideColorOutput(int index).
Now, attach the script to any game object in the scene, and attach the weather controller reference in the Inspector.
And finally, enable Unity’fog in the Lighting window, set it to linear and configure the “start” and “end” options like in the image below:
It should be working now, this is my final result:
You can try now to set the Unity’s fog directly by the Lighting window, and it will not be possible because it will be constantly overwritten by the script we just created, so you should now be configuring it through the weather profiles.
Also, you may need to increase the global fog a bit in the profiles, so the Azure fog will be visible only in the distance, blending the scene horizon with the sky!
You may need to adjust the customization a bit, this setup was made using the default demo scene, so for your scene it can be a bit different.
I hope it can help you!
Hello again. Is there a way to make a custom event that occurs at the same hour everyday without having to create the event again and again for each day on the calendar?
Just want to do a quick video presentation of a location changing to night and music change at 6PM for each day.
Yes, you just need to set as -1 the element you want the custom event to ignore. For example, if you set the “Day”, “Month” and “Year” as -1, but only set the “Hour” and “Minute” with a regular value, the event will be executed every day at that time. In the image below, the vent will be executed every day at 12h:00m!
Another example: If you set the “Day” to, for example, “5”, but keep the “Month” and the “Year” as -1, the event will ignore the month and the year, and will always be executed every day number five in the calendar at 12h:00m.
Recently purchased the asset after trying to implement a custom day-night cycle for a project, and I am enjoying it very much. I am very basic at scripting currently, and well, quite honestly a noob. I have tried to follow some of the comments and explanations previously given on this thread to try and understand how to achieve a few things, but I just can’t seem to get it to do what I want. It would be great to get some guidance from you:-
1.) I want the clouds to move slower, currently under the clouds tab of the “AzureSkyRenderController”, cloud speed is set to 0.1, and it won’t let me set it any lower. But the clouds really do seem to be moving quite sped up. - For some reason, I just can’t get dynamic clouds to slow down or even change the speed at all.
Solved: 2.) I want to make the night time pitch dark, so that without a point light or a spot light, a player should not be able to see anything. But this just doesnt seem possible(?).
Edit: Ok scratch this. I found a way to do this using the custom events tab, screenshot attached. Sorry to jump into making a question about this, the tool does provide a great way to do this and so much more. If there is anything more anyone can add to get better results, please let me know.
Solved: 3.) I want to loop the dates to a week - I got it to do this as well with the custom events tab )))
4.) The “AzureSkyRenderController” will not let me reduce the intensity for the moon. It just seems very bright.
Any help at all would be appreciated. Thanks again, the asset is really lovely.
Firstly, thank you for using Azure[Sky]!
Some properties you will not be able to set directly in their components because they values are being overridden by the weather system, so you need to set it directly in each weather profiles located at “Profiles” folder, this way, you can set a different value according to the current weather. So, if you can’t set any property in the component, it is likely that it is being handled by the weather system using custom weather properties, so try to find its respectively weather properties available for editing in the weather profiles. The weather property that control the cloud speed in the weather profiles, is the property number 15.
I think disabling the directional light using the event system is not a good idea. In the weather profiles you will find properties to set the directional light and color, it is already configured to be a “Curve” and a “Gradient” respectively, the curve is based on the time of day, and you can set a different value for different time of day. As you can see in the screenshot below, the curve that controls the directional light intensity (the weather property number 19 in the weather profiles) has different values according to the 24-hours cycle. You can just add more key points to the curve for any time you want and set the best value for that time.
There is other parameter that you can set to make the night darker, you can try to play with the parameters of the scattering tab of the “AzureSkyRenderComponent”, there are also the parameters that control the ambient light (weather properties number from 21 to 24) these environment parameters will not make any difference depending on the setup you have in the “Environment Light Source” from the Unity’s Lighting window. -
I think it should be a better way to do this by editing some scripts, I will try it later and back here!
If you are talking about the moon texture, the cause of it was already explained in the first comment, the moon intensity is being handles by the weather property number 40 from the weather profiles. But if you want to reduce the moon bright, you shoud set the “Mie” and “Mie Color” from the “Scattering” tab. These properties are also being handled by the weather system as a “Curve” and a “Gradient” weather property.
I hope it can help for a while! Let me know if you need more details!