We made a game, called Baa - Politics and sheep. Vasilis Galliakis did the art and I did the code.
It is a free to play game, where the player is a lying politician.
The objective is to tap on as many “correct” promises as possible, to keep the sheep happy.
It is funny to think that in real life, we often get to hear the “correct” promises and actually what happens are the “wrong” ones.
We used Esoteric Spine for the animations - it worked like a charm, good Unity integration, prompt support in their forums. UI was done with ugui and we integrated unity ads.
It is our first android game - thanks everyone who helped along the way.
Hi there,
Thanks for the kind words, Vasilis did the hard work
You can see more of his work here.
I do not believe that things go well in the biggest part of the world. I believe that many things can and should change, so more people can live better lives. There are two ways to achieve change - power and education.
In this simplistic game, we try to promote diversity and make people question if they should have faith in politicians - any politician.
The “promises” that we use in game touch many tough subjects. Freedom of speech, women rights, slavery, LGBTQ rights, war, minimum wages, compulsory education, refugees, abortion, gun rights - subjects without easy answers, subjects that are not “solved” for all the people around the world.
This little game will not change the world, but if we manage to get one person out of his comfort zone and start thinking about these subjects, it will be great.