Backend server

Hi, I am relatively new to Unity3d and iOS application development and am very keen to learn more about developing an augmented reality application using Unity3d and Xcode, and connecting the application to my own backend server. But I am facing some problems and I hope you guys can help me.

I had successfully managed to set up my own augmented reality application with the help from
but I need some help with the connection of unit3d/Xcode with my own backend server.

I have no idea where the 3D object is stored in the Xcode when I Build & Run unity3D. I want to know the line where the 3D object is being called from, so I can change the line to the location to my own backend server(so that I can change the 3D object to any object I want from my server itself, instead of changing from unity3d). Is this the way to link unity3d & Xcode to my server or is there more to it? Any help?

I’m curious as to why you would need to involve XCode? Can’t you use the WWW object in Unity? Or Asset Bundles? I’ve written apps which run on mobile that do what you describe, never had to touch XCode.

Look at App42 backend offering which covers lots of backend APIs for unity developers.