Background is blurry with Cinemachine

Hello everyone.

I recently fixed a jitter problem with my game in cinemachine. Basically, before my changes I moved the player character on a fixed game update of 1/60th of a second and updated the camera at that update too. It had the effect of making the camera movement jittery which I didn’t like. I was told that to get rid of the jitter I would need to interpolate between frames. I finally implemented that and it fixed the jitter. However, now I’m having a new issue where the background is appearing a bit blurry when the player moves. Here is a video of the blur:
As you can see stationary objects such as the tilemap are a bit blurry when the player moves. If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this I’d greatly appreciate it. I used pixel perfect extension, and while it helped, it did not fix the issue.

Note 1: The player appears jittery in the video. This is due to the fact that I’m recording the screen. It is perfectly smooth when I’m not recording
Note 2: Other moving objects (not the player) are a bit jittery because I haven’t applied interpolation for them just yet.
Note 3: The blur is much better at lower resolutions

Edit: Could it possibly be because I’m mixing PPU’s? I’m in the process of converting my graphics to retro style so the tilemaps are at 32 ppu while the player object is at 64 ppu.