I can’t figure out why, but my background music stops immediately after the level starts. I get a “bmm” as the first note plays, then it cuts out. I have tried the usual techniques of attaching it to the camera or dropping it into the scene as a 2D sound, but no matter what, it only plays the first note then stops. I have other music in other parts of my game that work perfectly fine. I simply imported it into my assets and attached it to the camera as normal, but it just doesn’t work. I don’t know if it matters, but this particular file is a WAV.
Sorry, forgot to update, but it turns out that my player prefab had not been 'prefab’ed with an audio listener, so it wasn’t working when I added it to a new level. Was confusing, because I figured no audio listener would give me no sound whatsoever, but I added it and it worked.